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~*~Page About Stuff~*~
Sh*t About My Family
There are 10 people in my family: my dad, my mom, my older brother Danny(18), and my little sister Heaven-leigh(13), My Big Sister Alicia(17) and my nephews Treykell(1 year in OCT 2001) & TraVelle(born Aug,12th 2001), My lil brother Ryan(13), and 2 foster Children who r 11 and 13..I can't write their namez Cuz i ain't allowed! Plus, I have a dog named Shadow and 1 Rabbit named Bunny and a cat named Tenika and 3 kittenz named Nicko, Nika and Hope and i also have 3 mice named Mary~Jane Bud and Ms.Jinglez! The pic on the right is Danny my older Brother!!!

Sh*t About my Skool
I go to a school Called "Lockview high"(also known as "Lockdown high" It is In Fall River, Nova Scotia! Our Mascott is A Dragon named "Miller" after the Miller lake Dragon(in Miller lake of course) We Have a hockey, Soccer,Basketbal, Wrestling and Vollyball team...I think we have other sportz teamz too but I forget them! Lockview is A P3 Skool....And I duno what P3 meanz! I spend as much time away from skool as possible I HATE skool! I hate math the most!
but thatz all I can Tell you about my skool Cuz I am gettin sick jus writin about it! I recently dropped outta public school to possibly go into home schooling... but oh well this is the school I would have gone to...But i went for the 1st symester!

Sh*t ABout where I live
Hahaha I know what your thinkin...Your thinkin is this gurl crazy tellin people about where she livez cuz ppl could hunt her down! but I ain't tellin ya where exactly I live jus about it! I live in a lil community away form everything..Like mallz and Sh*t like that..Therez like 4 teenagerz in our community which really suckz cuz we gutta go to Halifax, Dartmouth, Bedford or if we are really bored to Sackville...jus to actually See other people! this is a place ppl move to to sit back and relax!...I live in a house...By A highway......and thatz about as much as u r gunna know!

My Skoolz Page
Lockview high

Another one of my Sitez
My Other Newer Site